My kind of night - sketchbook.

While watching The Big Bang Theory I couldn't stop my hand from grabbing my sketchbook and drew me..haha and yes that's my foot!

It keeps me thinking these few days, that I didn't even have a studio, or at least a dedicated desk, or even an easel to do my drawings. I just drew, wherever I sit.. My tools (I do not have that many tools though, haha), are all over the places...hmm maybe that will be one of my small project later!

Abah share gambar-gambar bunga kertas (Bougainvillea) di kampung yang sedang mekar! Cantiknye halaman rumah berwarna-warni!

Bunga Kertas.
Arcrylic and Ink on Paper.
And I drew this to capture the moment, as a gift to Abah..much love..

Pintu Biru Rumah Nombor 10.
Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

This week my sketching or drawing is more like "home sweet home" theme. As I sit on my couch in front of the TV, or while watching the kids playing, I have been sketching my home interior.. the cupboards, sofa, even my front door..and thereafter thinking of putting some paint on them. And here they go!..

Sofa Merah.
Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

Almari Kayu.
Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

Almari Cina.
Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

Dinding Jingga.
Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

Watercolour and Ink on A4 Paper.

My artwork supporting Doodle Malaysia booth for the Malaysian 2015 VEX Robotics event at The School, Jaya One.

The Winning Team.

Congratulation to the MCKK (Malay College Kuala Kangsar) team who has won the competition and will be presenting Malaysia in Kentucky, US.

DIY Fine Motor-Skills Activity.

Do not ignore the importance of fine motor-skills for children. Well, for my 2.5 year old Mu'az, at his age, I do believe that it is more important to do these kind of activities, even more often than learning ABCs.. Fine motor skills has a lot of connection with the child's brain development. Furthermore it can actually improves the child's milestone at later stage e.g. how he is able to master holding a pencil, his hand writing, the ability to eat by himslef without making a mess, puring water into a glass to name a few. Besides, this DIY itself can also expose them to colors and shapes. Mu'az did assist in the preparation of this stuff and believe me, he is having so much fun!

Portrait in Pencils on A3 Paper.

My first try drawing a portrait, is a picture of the last of the Neanderthals - a human lived in the ice-age Europe, in the Middle Paleolithic era. Interested, can read from this article Neanderthals

Pencil Sketching on A3 Paper.

Owh this is my own still-life drawing of a little furry teddy bear. Teddy says HI!

Pencil Sketching on A4 Paper.

Again I practice sketching by copying a picture from a book, given by my coach. Somehow this can be really addictive.

Pencil Sketching on A4 Paper.

Practicing pencil sketching by copying a picture from a book, given by my coach. I found sketching really calming.. my mind just sink into this picture.

Pencil Skeching on A4 Paper.

Trying still-life pencil sketching of a Heliconia flower few weeks ago. This is my first ever still-life sketching..
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