Hijrah Saya

Salam Maal Hijrah, 1 Muharram 1436 Hijriah. Saban 1 Muharram, pasti akan menggamit rasa rindu pada perjuangan agung Rasulullah swt dan para Sahabat. Betapa ia adalah satu ujian keimanan dan keyakinan pada Nya, satu kesatuan dan kesabaran. 

Hijrah ku, kerna Mu. Jannah, disuatu hari, moga kita jumpa disana.


Don't change, extraordinary one. You're going to light up this place. As parents, we shall appreciate our children's nature. Each of them is unique in their own way. Understand, treasure and nurture what Allah has given, what Allah has intended them to be.

Credit to The Hands Free Revolution @Rachel Macy Stafford for this beautiful piece...

They say he’s too quiet.
They say she’s too inquisitive.
They say he’s too energetic.
They say she’s too sensitive.

They say these things thinking it will help,
But it doesn’t really.
It only causes worry and the pressure to conform.
The truth is, changing would be a tragedy.

Because when they say “too quiet,”
I see introspection.
Don’t change, thoughtful one.
You’re gonna bring quiet wisdom to the chaos.

Because when they say ”too inquisitive,”
I see problem solving.
Don’t change, little thinker.
You’re gonna to bring answers to the toughest questions.

Because when they say “too energetic,”
I see vitality.
Don’t change, lively one.
You’re going to bring love and laughter to desperate times.

Because when they say “too sensitive,”
I see heart.
Don’t change, deep feeler.
You’re going to bring compassion to hurting souls.

They might say change is needed.
But I ask that they look a little deeper and observe a little longer.
From where I stand, these individuals are just as they should be:
On their unique path, bringing the world exactly what it needs to thrive.

Don’t change, extraordinary one.
You’re gonna light this place up.

© Rachel Macy Stafford 2014 

My exUTM - exSHTian frens memang awesome la. This time around our meet up started dengan kami semua beryoga di KLCC Park, bersama #freeyogafit team, today our trainer is the beautiful Soraya! Lepas tu baru kami catching up with each others' story mory a.k.a mengopi di Dome. A pint of sweat, saves a gallon of blood...yes?



Having a space for kiddos to Read, Study, Explore, Play and Rest has been my dream comes true. Although we have rather small space, but it turn out quite practical and cozy! And we spend a lot of time here daily.


We have a wall unit which we put most of our books. My 3 boys love to just sit on the floor in front of the shelves and explore the books here.


Here is our multipurpose work table where most of the things are done here. Most of the time this area will turn out quite messy when everybody starts to do their own things, or a messy art project! Just let them be messy, for the fun of learning.


I did set up a workstation for my 2 year old son. He would have his own table and chair. But most of the time he will play around, sitting with his big brothers or just work on the floor. 


Next to the bookshelves is a comfy armchair, makes the perfect place for reading.


Our computer workstation is also at the working table. There's a laptop and printer. Since it is a laptop, it is very easy to keep when we are not using them. Sometimes I did my work here too; although I have my own desk; so that I could be around my sons. 


This multipurpose board has tons of use (MALA Easel-IKEA). The easel has a whiteboard on one side and a blackboard on the other. This is where I do some teaching when needed, kids doodling with chalk, pens and colours and where we play some games which needs writing or drawing.


We did put some very minimal toys here. Especially for the youngest, so he can play by himself when we are working with other kids. But I keep the toy selection to a minimum and more to educational toys to avoid distraction. Plus, this help the kids to stay occupied longer.


Sometimes kids needs their own time and space, alone. So we do have an individual space for them to do their homework, reading, drawing or even build their blocks here. This is also a good space when I need to break them up.


This is actually a sofa bed. It is very easily change into a sofa/bed, even by the kids. So they always use this as a place where they play and rest for the day.

Hope you guys get some ideas from this post!!


Sweet Circle.

Indahnya Bila Bertemu dan Berpisah Kerana Allah.

Bermulanya saya berUsrah bukan kerana saya baik. Bermulanya saya berUsrah bukan juga kerana saya alim..tapi bermulanya saya berUsrah adalah ketika hati sedang 'mencari'. Bermulanya saya berUsrah apabila hati mempunyai 'persoalan' yang tidak dapat dijawab. Bertubi-tubi soalan berlegar diminda; pencarian, persoalan; tentang Tujuan hidup, tentang Tauhid. Ketika diri begitu alpa, tenggelam dalam kehidupan dunia.

Lantas, di satu bulan Ramadhan yang Kareem, ketika tercari-cari, Allah ketemukan 'Sweet Circle', bulatan yang manis..satu keluarga, a support group I could say. Ya, Usrah sebenarnya bermaksud 'keluarga'. Ukhuwwah yang terbina kerana Allah. Setiap pertemuan, setiap perpisahan kami kerana Allah, menjadikan ianya sangat indah, dimana kejujuran bersahabat begitu terasa. Kami mempunyai tujuan yang hampir sama. Didokong Naqibah yang hebat, memimpin kami, saling ingat-mengingati dan menyokong antara satu sama lain. We do not and we never judge each other. We just being, we just listen, we just feel and support each other.

Fitrahnya, hati kita, iman kita sentiasa berbolak-balik. Dengan Usrah, kami cuba kembali kepada Nya, mula mendampingi Al-Quran, merindui dan mengikuti sunnah Rasulullah, memperbaiki akhlak sebagai seorang Muslim. Kami bertemu dan mencari semangat ini.

Semoga kami, dan kita semua Istiqamah. Semoga semua yang 'mencari', diketemukan dengan apa yang dicari. Kita, mengharap Hidayah Allah..Ameen.

InsyaAllah, saya akan cuba kongsikan nota-nota Usrah, saban pertemuan kami.


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